I recently pinned a quote I love on Pinterest that basically says over thinking leads to negativity. Shortly after I saw a post by a blogger I follow, Tim Bronson at A Daring Adventure http://www.adaringadventure.com/blog/
Tim basically ranked the quote as one of the 7 worst quotes on Pinterest and went on to state why he thinks so. I disagreed and posted the following comment on his blog:
I loved this post- I laughed out loud, always a good thing! I do disagree with your position on #6. I actually have a version of this posted where I can see it everyday and it helps me. I think it isn’t referring to “thinking” as much as the obsessive sort of over-analyzing some of us are woefully prone to. I enjoy being just slightly out of my comfort zone and being challenged so I live my life is a way that affords me those types of opportunities. But I tend to indulge in the kind of hyper vigilant thinking that makes me run everything out to pretty much every possible outcome, negative and positive. I have to know when to say “enough!!!” and just forge ahead. Things have a way of working out because I do exercise reasonably good judgment and I have skill. So- for those of use who do kind of just expect the worse possible scenario to appear and ruin everything thinking too much is a trap. I say consider wisely, plan well, and go. Which makes “leap and the net will appear” another of my favorite quotes.
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